Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month 2015

I just can’t believe I’ve been on this ThyCa journey for just over 10 months now. And now with Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month here – I wanted to think back for a minute.

I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer on October 23, 2014 and what an eventful 10 months it’s been. As I said in one of my firsts posts on this blog, I didn’t even know what the Thyroid was, much less what it controlled in my body. I believe wholeheartedly that everything happens for a reason and we are all put through trials and tribulations in our life to test how strong we are and to prove that we can overcome just about anything we put our minds to. Obviously, I wouldn’t wish this on anyone because the lack of a thyroid causes a battle that you body fights on a daily basis. But with time, patience, and the right Endocrinologist to back you – it is possible to get your hormones stabilized to feel somewhat “normal” again.

With all this being said, I urge everyone to know their bodies and trust their gut if you feel that something is “off” or wrong. You know your body better than anyone else and you don’t need a degree to know that something needs to be checked. I went to my doctor for 3 years straight complaining of my weight being an issue and the fact that it didn’t matter what I did or changed, I couldn’t lose anything. I have always had a really good metabolism so this was definitely a new thing. Of course, the first thing he did was have my thyroid levels checked but there is now research that states that all of your thyroid levels may or may not reflect any change or dysfunction if you have Thyroid Cancer. Your levels only tell if and/or how your thyroid is functioning, not necessarily will it detect cancer. So that is part of the reason why my doctors think that I probably had ThyCa for over 4 or 5 years without knowing. So that’s why we must trust our instincts and not give up when you question something.

So this September, I urge you to check your necks!!! 🙂

A graphic showing the location of they thyroid and how to perform a self-check.

A graphic showing the location of they thyroid and how to perform a self-check.

3 thoughts on “Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month 2015

  1. Hey, Darlin’! I’m just now in the clear from my thyroid cancer, having done radiated iodine in May 2010. (They consider you to be “free, clear and cured” five years post treatment). Thyroid cancer is seriously so annoying, although I have to say, given then circumstances that I was in at the time, I truly believed it was God’s way of getting me where He needed me to be. I had a WONDERFUL endocrinologist in Northern Virginia (she practiced in the Alexandria area) and she helped me so much. It took me years to feel even close to normal again, and honestly I still have rough days. But the good news is, you’ll survive. Your weight will fluctuate obnoxiously for way longer than it seems necessary for it to, you’ll find out who your true friends are, you’ll feel like a solid-ass ROCK of a super human when you’re done, but going through it is honestly horrible. Anyone who dares to tell you you’re lucky can go hug a thorn bush as far as I’m concerned!!! It sounds like you’re dealing with it beautifully 🙂 please message me if you ever want to talk about anything!

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    • Yes, I wholeheartedly believe that everything happens for a reason and you can handle anything you put your mind to. I KNOW I have become a stronger person, as I’m sure everyone who has handle Cancer in their lives. And who was your Endo?? I have one that I think really knows her stuff but she might not be my favorite person as far as bedside manner – she is getting better though as I’ve basically showed her I am more sensitive and she needs to come down to my level or this isn’t going to work out! For the most part, I am feeling 1000000 times better than just a couple months ago – just wish I didn’t feel so tired. I know it’s just part of the game right now but doesn’t make it any easier. And yes – this “good cancer” crap is just all BS! Thank you and would love to chat at some point! It’s so nice to have others that can relate! 🙂


  2. Thank you for helping to raise awareness about thyroid cancer. I was diagnosed in 2013 at the age of 26. I had no particular symptoms and was seeing my doctor for an annual exam when he decided to do a neck check. There it was…a lump on the right side of my thyroid. I underwent a total thyroidectomy in June 2013 and had several lymph nodes removed. Two years later, I still see my surgeon and endocrinologist for follow-up care, but have struggled with fatigue and exhaustion despite changes to my Synthroid dose. As with any cancer, early detection is key and it is important to know how to perform a neck check. I completely agree that you know your body better than anyone. Never stop being an advocate for yourself! I wish you good health and continued support on this journey. Stay strong!

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